Monday, 28 February 2011

Spotlight: Lady Gaga 'Born This Way'

You've got to hand it to Lady Gaga because she's only gone and made another beautifully bizarre video, this time for latest single Born This Way. Released earlier today, the Born This Way video has got everything from graphic vagina references to dancing skeletons - I wouldn't expect anything less, especially as it was directed by the wonderful Nick Knight.

I know she splits opinion but I think she is a genius; no other female artist is making such great pop songs or brilliantly controversial videos and she deserves credit for that alone. The video also exploits the unusual face and shoulder implants that Gaga has been sporting during promotional tours - I can't say they're even remotely appealing to me but I can almost guarantee that scenesters around the globe were searching 'horn implants' as soon as they saw them. Weird.

Anyway, you can watch the full Born This Way video here; even if you don't like her music, it's worth a watch. What do you think of Lady Gaga? Are you a lover or a hater?

Photos from Gaga/Nick Knight 


  1. Amazing photographs!

    have a look at my blog and tell me what you think


  2. Great post! Thanks for reminding me to watch this....I think aswell Lady Gaga is a genius and has epic creativity. I love Knight's work too. It's almost a shame as I don't like the song as much as her others, it almost seems to happy for such a sinister beginning. You're blog is brilliant

  3. i have to admit that i most definitely admire gaga, if only for her bold and boundaryless style. thanks for the comment, follow each other?

    amy leah
    the coquetiquette


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